Middletown Township Land Conservancy
Outdoor Middletown
Middletown Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Welcome to Outdoor Middletown
Join us and help protect and preserve the trees, fields, water and birds of our wonderful Township. We also offer a detailed guide to the many parks and trails in Middletown Township.
Our mission statement:
To promote and assist efforts to identify, preserve and enhance the scenic, historical, open space and outdoor recreation values of the physical environment of the Middletown Township region of Delaware County.
Middletown Township Land Conservancy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Conserving Land for the Public
The core mission of Middletown Township Land Conservancy is to conserve tracts of natural land in the Township. MTLC has been active since 1981 and continues to monitor all large tracts of undeveloped land still in private hands as candidates for protective action. Go to the Public Conservancy page to learn about past successes and see how you can join us in our ongoing efforts to preserve more open space for future generations.
Backyard Conservancy
Everything’s connected. The natural features on both public and private lands affect the quality of outdoor life in Middletown. If you’re a homeowner, you can contribute to the overall health of our natural environment by following best practices when caring for your trees, lawn, and wildlife in your own backyard. The Backyard Conservancy page is where you learn how.
Directory of Trails and Parks of Middletown
This is the most comprehensive directory of trails, parks, and playgrounds you will find. Trail maps, photos, and basic information for choosing your next hike, or deciding where to take the kids and dogs for some outdoor play. Start your adventures on the Trails page.